Fractional CTO services for your technology-enabled business

Get the technical leadership you need, at a price that works for you, and billed only for what we need to get the job done.

What We'll Do Together

Let's get to work

We can build your next critical piece of infrastructure, find that perfect software vendor, perform technical due diligence for that sale, and celebrate your next level of success.

Organize technical hiring like Amazon:
As an interviewing expert and coach, I performed hundreds of interviews at Amazon, trained dozens of staff to do the same, reduced bias in hiring, improved candidate selection and created interviewing experiences that were engaging for candidates.
Build sophisticated experiences like Audible:
At Audible, I both wrote and managed amazing experiences on Android, iOS, and Kindle and I managed million dollar data pipelines that powered cross platform features.
Fundraise and manage acquisitions like The Cru:
At The Cru, I helped fundraise a multi-million dollar funding round. Two years later, I helped manage their acquisition by Luminary.
Automate testing and build software quality reports like Microsoft:
While working at Microsoft, I wrote test reporting infrastructure that provided our leadership insight into thousands of test cases at a glance in order to gauge quality and progress. Additionally, I wrote and managed hundreds of automated test cases for enterprise server deployments.
Build the SaaS infrastructure that enabled your customers to buy your digital products:
At Alakazam, I designed and built their online portal and web infrastructure, which transitioned their successful Metaverse agency into a powerhouse 'Metaverse as a Service' company.

How We'll Work Together

Fractional CTO and Engineering leadership on retainer

Many technology-enabled companies need additional technical leadership but may not be ready to staff a full-time CTO. By hiring me on retainer, you'll have access to engineering expertise at a fixed cost, plus the option to flex into additional hours when needed.

An Integrated Team Member
Engineering management for you and your team, working with stakeholders to build technical roadmaps, scope vendors, and build teams
Fixed-Price Monthly Retainers
Billed monthly for a set number of hours at a reasonable and reduced rate
Flexible and Affordable Extra Hours
Additional billable time is available and is billed at a nominal increased rate from your retainer
Easily Accessible
Email, telephone and video correspondence are often available the day of a request and are guaranteed within 3 business days. Recurring meetings are also offered.

Introductory Call

Book a consultation

Schedule an initial exploratory meeting to discuss your needs and retainer options.

30 Minute Evaluation

Understand if we are a great fit for a long term retainer or a short term project.

$150 USD

Schedule Now
  • 30 minute video conference
  • Review your goals
  • Determine next steps

60 Minute Deep Dive

An hour long deeper dive into your needs and requirements to get to a quote quickly.

$250 USD

Schedule Now
  • 60 minute video conference
  • Additional focus on strategy
  • Drive to a decision


For when your needs are too unique to cover in an hour and you need something bespoke.


Contact Me
  • Kickoff unique engagements
  • Discuss complex topics
  • Create larger partnerships


Custom Engagement and Questions

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